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Download The Gene: An Intimate History Pdf EBook Free

The Gene: An Intimate History Pdf
Written by Shakespeare

Whatever we are is because of our genes and whether you are a medical student or a casual reader, the history of genes is something that interests us all. For that, The Gene: An Intimate History by Siddhartha Mukherjee is one of our top recommendations, given that it is coming from a brilliant physician and oncologist. Download The Gene Pdf at the end of this review to start reading it.

The Gene: An Intimate History Pdf Review:

The Gene is about the history of genes and genetic research and its current stage in the light of modern science. Siddhartha Mukherjee starts by covering the history of genes from Aristotle, Watson, and Crick, to Franklin. He starts from that far behind and comes to the modern scenario of genetic research and the human genome and how these hold our traits and well-being in the complete genetic code.

Besides the medical background and research, this book is much more than that. It also connects different themes such as Nazi eugenics, Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, and post-war biology. One of the best aspects of the book is that it helps you broaden your perspective of free will, choice, sexuality, and temperament. It is time that you read about a scientific idea coming to life.

The Gene: An Intimate History is a beautiful story of genes and how they govern our form, function, and whatever we are as humans. It is one of the well-received books in history literature, which got shortlisted for many awards and honors, including Washington Post, Royal Society Prizes for Science Books, and Welcome Book Prize.

The Gene: An Intimate History Pdf

About the Author Siddhartha Mukerjee:

Siddhartha Mukherjee is an Indian-American oncologist, physician, and author who besides his services in the field of medicine, he is known for writing The Emperor of All Maladies and The Gene: An Intimate History.

The Gene: An Intimate History Pdf Features:

  • The Gene: An Intimate History brings us the complete ancient and modern history of genetic research
  • The book that got shortlisted for several notable awards and honors in the literary field

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