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A People's History of the United States PDF
Written by Shakespeare

This book is one of the very good books when it comes to the historical topics. And the book “A People’s History of the United States” is written by an American writer who was very active in the politics at that time. So, we can say that this book is going to give you a complete and a very good idea of the history of United States. Not just these things but the book also discusses the Foreign Policy of the United States. And the Economical subjects as well. The book is a very basic and the easy to understand. It is the reason that it was implemented in the schools and colleges as a subject as well. The biggest proof of the awesomeness of the book is that it was the runner-up book in the National Book Award of the year 1980.

This book is the active book throughout the time. If we say that this book is up to date book till now then it will be correct. A People’s History of the United States has been criticized as the time has passed. The criticism was on the bases of change in the point of views.

A People's History of the United States PDF

About Author Howard Zinn:

The Author of “A People’s History of the United States” is a former politician in the United States. Not just the politician but he was the historian as well. But he has written the plays as well. And he was a very active member of the society of his time. He was also a social activist as well.

Features of A People’s History of the United States:

  • The language of the book is English.
  • The original publication year of the book is 1980.
  • The 2003 edition of the book contains 729 pages.
  • Harper & Row, HarperCollins are the publishers of this book.

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