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Lolita pdf
Written by Shakespeare

Lolita is a controversial erotic novel written by Vladimir Nabokov. It was published in 1955 and is considered a literary classic. Here is a short review of Lolita pdf.

Lolita pdf

Lolita pdf Review:

Nabokov has written the book in form of memoir of a literary scholar under pseudonym Humbert Humbert. The novel explores life of Humbert and his obsession with young girls. While finding a place to live in, Humbert encounters Dolores, 12 year old daughter of his landlady. He nicknames her Lolita and starts fantasizing about her. The rest of story revolves around Humbert’s obsession with Lolita and its end. The book have won numerous recognition as well as criticism due to its controversial nature.

About Author Vladimir Sirin:

Vladimir Nabokov, also known as penname Vladimir Sirin, was a Russian American novelist. He also worked on entomology and chess problems. He wrote in Russian as well as in English. However, he is famous for his English works, specially Lolita.

Lolita pdf Summary:

The story starts with a fictional foreword of Dr. John Ray Jr., who is an editor of psychology books. Ray presents The Confessions of a White Widowed MaleĀ which is written by Humbert Humbert. In the book, Humbert tells his story. Starting from his Parisian background to his interest in young girls which he calls nymphets. Then the story proceeds on how he meets Lolita. It explores their relation as well as the obsession of Humbert for Lolita.

Features of Lolita pdf:

Here are some of the features of this book:

  • Masterpiece of Vladimir Nabokov.
  • One of the most controversial and widely criticized novel of last century.
  • Also have great literary recognition and various awards.

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